27 March 2008

How to force Safari to open a new window on a tab

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While I was making a face-off between Safari and Firefox, one of the things that I didn't like about Safari was the default behaviour of opening '_blank' links on new windows. Even though I posted a solution for this before, this required the installation of a specific plugin in Safari.

Now, with the new 3.1 version of Safari, a more elegant solution is available. In order to change this default behaviour and force Safari to open new windows on new tabs, just execute the following command on Mac OS X's Terminal (located in Applications/Utilities):

defaults write com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

To return to the default setting just execute the same command but with false on the end:

defaults write com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool false

Source: Mac OS X Tips


dbonneville said...

That is fantastic and is my single biggest gripe about Safari. I gave up on FF after supporting it going back to firebird. On the mac, it's just 10x slower than safari for everything single thing. Safari 3.1 is blazing fast on my G5 imac...but the tab thing was a real pain.

Can this be fixed for windows? Are there no other solutions in a control panel on either platform?

Unknown said...

You made my day. Thank you so much!

António Lopes said...

Glad I could help :-)

Unknown said...

Awesome! this makes Safari so much more usable. Apple should add this as an option in the preferences!

Peter Giger said...

Thank you thank you thank you :)